Lubbock Lions Club Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
Welcome to the Lubbock Lions Club 2021 @Home Pancake Breakfast fundraiser in partnership Maple Craft Foods, who will donate 30% of your purchases to help us raise money for our impotant programs. That’s right, you and your gift recipients get to enjoy award-winning pancake breakfast products from the safety of your home, while helping raise funds for the Lion's Club. It doesn’t get much sweeter than that!
STEP 1: Click on the link below to order pancake breakfast supplies delivered right to your home - Order by February 14th at 11:59PM
STEP 2: Enter LLC as the fundraiser code at checkout, so Maple Craft Foods knows to donate 30% of the product cost to BHFC (REMEMBER: YOU MUST ENTER LLC AS THE FUNDRAISER CODE AT CHECKOUT).
STEP 3: Make breakfast on February 20th, post pictures and tag us (#LubbockLionsClub)….and enjoy your meal and our grattitude!